What is a pathway?
LabXchange allows users to create short, contextualized learning experiences that can include content from the Library and privately created content. This is referred to as a Pathway.
How do I create a pathway?
First, click the My content link to go your dashboard, then select Add new content from the My content section.
Click on Add new content, then select Pathway.
This will open up the pathway editor.
To add content, select + Add content. This will bring up a window where you can search for and select assets from the public library, your private content library, your organization's library (if you are associated with a content source), and your favorites to add to your pathway.
You can select as many assets as you wish from all available sources, and add them all to your pathway. You can also add assets one at a time.
You can also create new private content directly within the content selector by choosing +Add new content. This article will help you learn how to add other types of content to your private library, which you can then include in your pathways.
Your pathways will not be shared to the public library. However, you can share a direct link to your pathway or share it in a class you create.
How do I change the order of items in my pathway?
You can move items up and down in the pathway using the arrows located above and below each number on the left. You can remove an item by clicking the trash can icon on the lower right of each item tile.
Can I add notes to items in my pathway?
Yes! Click the cog icon on the right of each asset.
A window will open that allows you to customize learning objectives and notes for each item.
How long should my pathway be?
It's up to you! The length of your pathway will depend on your learning context and the learning objectives you have in mind. We recommend including anywhere between 6-15 assets in a pathway.
I would like to have two versions of a pathway. Can I copy a pathway and make the necessary changes?
Yes! You can copy any of your own private pathways, or any public pathway, in order to customize it for different learning contexts. The copied pathways will be saved to your private library.
When you find a pathway you would like to copy, click the menu at the upper right hand side of the description and select Copy and edit. You can then edit it following the instructions above.
You can also copy a private pathway, the URL of which was shared with you by another user, in the same way. It will include any private assets created and included by that user.
I set up a pathway and gave it a "private" setting. Will my students be able to access it once they open an account on LabXchange?
If your students have registered and have LabXchange accounts, they will be able to view private pathways (or other private content) when logged in. As the instructor, you will need to share the content link or URL with the students. Individual users do not have the option to make content publicly available in the LabXchange library.
Note that users who have not registered will not be able to view private pathways, or other private material, even if you provide them with the link.