A picture can be worth a thousand words. This guide will explain how to save an image to your private library so that you can include it in other content, or share it directly with other registered users.
Saving an Image
- Click the My content link to go your dashboard, then select Add new content from the My content section.
- Select the Image content type.
- Enter a title for the image.
- Drag the image file into the Upload an image window, or click the window to search for the image in your local files.
- Provide Alternative Text to help screen-reading tools describe images to visually impaired readers. It will also be displayed if the image does not load correctly.
- Enter an Image source to provide a reference to where the image came from. Depending on the source, this could take the form of a URL, book or journal title, or simply the artist's name.
- Under the Advanced Options drop-down, you can add an optional Caption to describe the image or provide context.
- An optional Extended description can also be added in this section. This allows for a more information to be provided which can include tables, images, links etc.
Note that users will need to click the Extended description drop-down when viewing the image in order to access this information.
Final details
Scroll down further to edit the last optional details to your image such as the list of authors, subject tags, and featured image.
Your image is now complete and ready to be saved to your private Library.