This tutorial builds on the previous tutorial about creating your first LabXchange asset, so we would recommend completing it before going through this tutorial if you have not done so already.
This article will cover creating a pathway and adding content, including the question which is now saved to your dashboard.
Creating a Pathway
First, return to your dashboard and select + Add new content from the My Content section. Then select Pathway from the available options.
As in the previous example, the fields that are required in order to save the pathway are marked with an asterisk. Feel free to add more information if you would like, but we will focus only on the required fields for now.
First, click on Enter pathway name and type in “My First Pathway”. We can then move on to adding content.
The first piece of content we will add is the question you saved during the previous tutorial. Click on + Add content then select Your Content from the option at the top if the window. “My First Question” should be the only asset listed, but you can also search for it if you have more content saved. Click the + in a circle on the right, and you should see the number on the Add items button change from (0) to (1).
You do not need to save between each selection, so click on the Library option and we will add a piece of public content to your pathway. This section allows you to search the entire LabXchange public library using both keywords and filters. Use the Search public content section to find the article titled “Making the Most of Online Learning”. As with your question, click the + in a circle. The Add items button should now list (2) items, and clicking it will save them to your pathway.
The arrows on the left can be used to change order of the assets, and you can also preview, edit, or remove any asset using the options on the right.
The pathway can now be saved, although you do have the option of including additional context like a description or learning objectives if appropriate. When you are ready, scroll to the bottom of the page and tick I agree to the LabXchange Terms of service and Privacy Notice, then click Save Pathway.
The pathway will now be visible on your Dashboard, and can be viewed by other registered users if you provide them with the URL (web address).
The next tutorial will address how to create a new class and add content to it, including your newly saved Pathway.