This tutorial will walk you through the process of creating a question and saving it to your private asset library.
Once you have logged into your LabXchange account, select My content from the options at the top right of the page.
In your dashboard, select Create content, then select Question from the list of asset types. Choose the Single Select option from the available options. Note that if this is not the first asset you have created, the Create content button will be replaced by an + Add new content option.
In order to save the question, you will need to enter something into the fields marked with an asterisk. This includes the title, the question itself, and the list of possible answers. Other information can be added to provide context to the question, but this is not required to save the asset.
First, click on Enter a title* and replace it with “My First Question”.
You will see that the QUESTION* section allows you to add pictures, link to other sources, and even insert code if you would like. For this tutorial, please think of any yes-or-no question and type it into this field.
Next, move to the ANSWERS* section and enter “Yes” as the first answer, and “No” as the second, then use the color-coded toggles on the left to mark one of them as correct depending on your question. Additional answers can be added by clicking + Add another answer.
You also have the option to add feedback for your answers using the on/off toggle below each answer. This can be useful if you want to explain why a common mistake is wrong, suggest some background reading, etc.
Feel free to adjust how your answers are displayed, add a hint, or set scoring for your question under Show advanced options. This is not required to save the question, and you can always edit these options later on.
Once you are happy with your question, scroll to the bottom of the page and tick I agree to the LabXchange Terms of service and Privacy Notice, then click Save Question.
In the next tutorial, we will look at creating a pathway and adding content, including your question.