This tutorial builds on the previous tutorials about creating a question and adding it to a pathway, so we would recommend completing them before going through this tutorial if you have not done so already.
This article will cover creating a class and adding content, including the pathway which is now saved to your dashboard. Note that this will require your account to be set to Educator.
Creating a Class
First, return to your dashboard and select the Classes I teach section, then click the Create class button to start the process.
Unlike a pathway, the class will need to be saved before content can be added. As previously, you will need out the fields marked by an asterisk. Start by clicking on Class name and entering “My First Class”. You can select any of the options under the drop-down menus for Subjects and Maximum number of learners. Bear in mind that this can be updated at any time so you will not be permanently limiting the number of students for the class. Finally, click Description and enter some example text.
With all of the required fields filled in, scroll to the bottom of the page and tick I agree to the LabXchange Terms of service and Privacy Notice, then click Create class. The class will now be saved to your dashboard under Classes I teach.
Adding Content
Under the Classes I teach section of your dashboard, click on the “My First Class” tile to access the class editor. Under Content section, click on + Add content. As previously we will be adding one piece of content from the public library, then adding the pathway you saved in the previous tutorial.
Simulations are some of the most interesting parts of the LabXchange library, so we will add one to your new class. Under the Library section of the search window, click on Filter to bring up more search options on the left. Click on CONTENT TYPE, then tick Simulation from the list of options. Choose one of the simulations from the list and click the + in a circle to add it to your list. Then, go to the My Content section and click Clear all to remove the current filter. You can now select the “My First Pathway” asset using the + in a circle.
Your selections will be added to the Content section as Unposted Content, which will not be visible to members of the class. To post any piece of content for the class to see, click the + in a circle. You can un-post content using the 3 dot menu on the right. This way, you can prepare content in advance but control the pace of the class by releasing content as necessary.
For more information about managing a class, please see the classes section of our helpcentre.